Quantum Frequency Conversion

AdvR offers highly efficient and low loss RPE PPLN waveguide-based devices for quantum frequency conversion. These devices can be configured for downconversion with a DFG nonlinear interaction and for upconversion with a SFG nonlinear interaction. Downconversion allows for a visible-NIR photon to be converted to telecom wavelengths for low loss transmission over fiber. Upconversion allows for a telecom signal to be converted to visible-NIR to interact with distributed quantum nodes, computers, and sensors. On-chip features like WDMs and mode filters allow minimal loss of the signal photon in a fully fiber coupled package while highly efficient RPE PPLN waveguides allow for near 100% conversion efficiency within the waveguide. Example downconversion and upconversion interactions have been shown below, but custom wavelength interactions are available.

Example Interactions

Example DFG Configuration
Single Photon Input Wavelength 852 nm
Pump Wavelength 1892 nm
Single Photon Output Wavelength 1550 nm
Single Photon Conversion Efficiency 3 – 6 dB fiber to fiber
Single Photon Upconversion
Single Photon Input Wavelength 1550 nm
Pump Wavelength 1892 nm
Single Photon Output Wavelength 852 nm
Single Photon Conversion Efficiency 3 – 6 dB fiber to fiber